The content on every website consists of written words mainly and keywords must be a vital part of that if the website owner wants it to rank better on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).
The important thing about the keywords is that they should be relevant to the topic and embedded between the sentences. But there is another thing that is called the Keywords Density which is the estimation of how many times (= how much) a keyword has been used on a single page also keeping in mind the total number of words on it.
The motive behind this exercise of Google Search Engine is to find out the relevance of those keywords to the content.
To explain it further, let’s take the example of any keyword. We have used the Word Google several times and on almost every article for our content because the Google Search Engine is the most widely used search tool in the world but if a user wants to know all the aspects and functionality of it, this article would not help them because we are talking about Keyword Density here.
But the density of a keyword is not the only factor that matters, the relevance of it to the content matters more than that because it is the collective content that is presented by Google in their search result pages.
To know the mathematically accurate density of the keywords of pages, divide the total number of its’ usage by the total number of words used in the content.
However important a keyword is to the topic it is not justifiable to use it more times than it is actually necessary.
That is a totally separate process and it is called Keyword Stuffing which was popular in the early days of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) when there were no SEO Experts to guide website owners on the right path that lead to the top of SERPs.
As suggested by the name itself, it is a process that involves the overuse of the keywords that not only will result in your content losing its’ relevance with the search topic but will also put it in direct competition with itself.
This competition in return will make sure that your content never gets discovered because a website that is so confused that it has started competing against itself is exactly the kind of website that Google wants to eliminate from the SEO rankings.