When you write content and develop your website, it is necessary to promote your website all over the internet. There are various ways to promote your website. One of the ways is through Search EngineSubmission.
Search engine submission refers to the direct submission of a website to a search engine. It is a form of internet marketing that helps search engines increase the ranking of your site. To know more about what is search engine submission, keep reading this article till the end.
In other words, it is a way of informing the search engines about the existence of any website, which is then indexed by the search engines and reflected on the SERP page. It is a tool that we use to let the search engine know that we have new information to share.
There are many search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing wherein you can manually submit your website.
It is important to submit your website to all of the major search engines because even though the other engines have less traffic than Google, they still have millions of users all over the world. When you submit a URL or domain name to the search engines, it could take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to get indexed.
If you are unhappy with your web page’s results, make changes to the page and resubmit it to the search engine. You can submit your pages a maximum of two times per month until you are listed in the major search engine results.
Why submit to search engines?
The search engines use spiders that crawl on the internet at least once a month, which allows them to continually add content to their database. By assuming that other web pages link to the pages of your website, your website will eventually be visited by search engine spiders & a no of pages from your website will be added to indexes.
However, if you have just created your website & want to take advantage of instant visibility on the internet, you can directly send your site’s URL to these engines. Doing so will ensure that the engines are aware of your site and at least index it the next time they crawl.
Submitting your website is just the first step, the next task is to rank the keywords. To do this you will have to need Quality content& backlinks (other websites linking back to your website).
You can submit your website manually or automatically. Here are the following ways you can submit your site manually –
Submit Site to Google:
Google’s URL is very quick & easy. Just go to Google’s web page for URL submitting, type in your URL, type in the message which ensures Google that you are an individual, and click “Add URL”. This process has been closed after an algorithm update.
Now the submission is done with the sitemap and ping tools. However, rather than ping tools, it is recommendable to use the search console itself. Here are the following steps to do the search engine submission in Google Search Console:
- Login to Google search engine console account where you will see the dashboard.
- Now navigate yourself to the sitemap section
- Submit your sitemap URL like the example http://www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml. Verify your Domain before you submit your sitemap.
- Once you are done with the above steps, you can now ping the sitemap to the Google search by just using the URL.
Submit site to Yahoo
Before the days of Google, Yahoo used to be a very popular search engine. Yahoo search has been powered by Microsoft’s Bing search engine since 2010. It means when you submit your site to Bing you will also show up in Yahoo’s search results. Yahoo had a paid submission process in the past but not now.
Submit Site to Bing
Just like Google, Bing allows you to submit your URL. First of all, you need to have a Bing login, then go to Bing’s Webmaster Tools page. After logging in simply type the link of your homepage and press “submit”.
The next step would be verifying the ownership of your domain. If you are not acquainted with HTML, it can be a little tricky as you will need to add a small snippet of code to the header of your site to pass this verification process. Once verified, you are finished with the submission.
If you want to submit automatically you will need to wait for the search engine to crawl your page. You can also take the help of Digital Marketing experts & SEO experts to generate organic traffic & increase the visibility of your website.
Here is a list of top 10 Search Engine Submission Sites 2020
- Bing
- Yandex
- Baidu
- ExactSeek
- GigaBlast
- SonicRun
- entire web
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