Ever since Google and other major search engines have started relying more and more on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to sort the result pages, the matter of popularity has become the most important factor in deciding which website will be ahead of the others in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).
The Alexa Rank is most the perfect tool to find out the popularity of your website. What it basically does is compare you with the other websites in your field of work to show you how much or little (depending on your website’s popularity) chances you have of coming on top of a SERP.
The functionality of the Alexa Rank is a matter of great importance since it is the most trusted source of predicting the future of websites that are either new in the market or is struggling to survive the changes that are constantly taking place in the market. It is a ranking system that gives no consideration to the far post.
The rankings are calculated on the basis of the estimated traffic and the ability to engage visitors long enough to not get caught in the process of Pogo Sticking in a short period of the last three months.
Consistency in the performance of your website should never go down but to lessen the burden and make it a little enjoyable, the Alexa rank came into existence. It is a psychologically favorable method that has turned a rat race into a sponsored marathon, luring the runners with amazing prices that are not always guaranteed.
The major difference between Alexa Rank and other website popularity measuring tools available in the market is that the former is the only one that compares the websites to get accurate results.
The popularity of the Alexa Rank is an indication of how reliable it is in comparison with the other tools. It is owned by one of the corporate giants, Amazon. The traffic is measured on the basis of how many users visit a particular website in a single day. Even if a user comes to a website multiple times a day, it still only counts as one.
The frequency of the rank updates is quite amazing too of this tool; it provides updated rankings on a daily basis. But it is not as popular worldwide to provide a global ranking that is accurate. Until it is used by a larger global audience it will not be taken into consideration for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).